Monday, September 8, 2014

September 1, 2014- I'm going to the Circus!

So this week was completely and utterly consumed with the County Fair. Yes, I know I said "Circus" but having a title that says "I'm going to the Fair" just doesn't have the same ring to it! Very little was done apart from that. My studies were mainly about how I can talk to people and share with them a gospel message in a minute or less (about how long we have to get someone's attention and talk with them before we lose it again) We were given the opportunity to talk to a great many people there, some interested, some not. One of the ways we got people to stop and talk, if only for a second, was to do Bible Trivia on a whiteboard. The reward: A high-five from your's truly!

One interesting thing I found is the various responses to this question: What is the longest book in the Bible? A- Revelation; B- Acts; C- Psalms; D- Isaiah. Most people chose either 'A', most likely because it and Genesis are the two books in the Bible they actually know the name of, or 'D' because it is one of the least-understood books in the Bible. It just goes to show that people often times will put up a wall around themselves to try and hide something that they don't want others to know. I.e they really don't know the scriptures as well as they claim to know them. This is due to Pride. On the flip side we also saw a great many people who straight up didn't know the answer and asked us, or just simply knew the answer. They knew what they knew and also knew what they didn't know. (Stop and think about that; it will make sense. Promise!) They were humble enough to recognize that they didn't know something and tried to fix it. 

We were also given the opportunity to talk to a great many people about finding your ancestry. They were by and large surprised that they could find these things out for free, Mormons and non-Mormons alike. It's great. There was one Catholic woman who was big into finding her roots, but really didn't know where to start. She had a few books and had already compiled some records from her ancestors, but didn't know where else to go. Helping her find out about Ancestry was a really neat experience for me.

We also were able to see B*** today. He still believes that the church is true and everything, but he has a very large problem that he can't seem to get over: he's Baptist. Hopefully he will continue to make this a matter of prayer and ultimently come to the decision to make that promise with God and become baptized. I know that great blessings will come into his life if he decides to make that choice.

On Sunday all of the missionaries spoke. It was a really good experience, and I had the opportunity to speak on Love and what it truly means. I'd say more, but I'm out of time. My focus on the talk was Genesis 29:20 as to how it applies to missionary work and life in general.

Love you all!

Elder Jayden Barker

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