We were locked down earlier today on account of the (finally) snow and ice. Got a text from the AP's (they're da best) that we needed to stay indoors until the ice melted from off of the road. So we finally got to go shopping and email by around 4-ish. The sisters got to the church (only one computer, remember) so and I'm the first one on! #NotTheShortStrawToday!
Anyway, to give my companions as much time as possible to email their peeps here's a few of the highlights:
> Got to talk with a less-active member back in Cabot. Gotta love spiritual promptings. Hopefully this will help him return to activity.
> Dinner with the "Wockenflock", a super awesome family here in Morrilton. I got to dress up as knight. #ArmorOfGod
> A*** says she wants to be baptized! Now we just have a few other small things we will help her through first...
> T***hasn't smoked all week! Plus we got him good pulling a prank on him by swapping out one of his knives (he collects them) with a copy Elder Petty bought off line a few weeks ago. It was great.
> Gave a guy named T*** a blessing.
> Walked into at least 5 homes where the flu was and didn't get sick. We call that Missionary Invincibility around here. I'm immortal till the day I day, after all!
> Teaching a new guy named C***. He's really trying to turn his life around, and we just would love to help him do it!
> Didn't get to Weekly Plan till Sunday Night (we usually do it on Friday nights...) because the Lord had other things he put in our path for us to do. Like a double meeting at an investigators home that was entirely unexpected and super awesome. One of said double meetings was in a laundromat.
> IT SNOWED!!!!! i'm just a little bit excited. =3
> Went teaching with a member who drove up from Russilville. He helped us start to set goals to help A*** stop smoking.
>Today, bought Blue Bell Icecream and taught my companions how to play Canasta. This world will never be the same again!!
In my studies I've been focusing on D&C 1; Ez. 33; and 1 Ne. 1:1-3. Check them out and see how they all fit together.
Also, next week is transfers. Trio's are super unstable and almost never stick together for more than one transfer, so it's almost guaranteed that at least one, if not two of us are leaving. This happens even if they get along great together. The question for you now is, who?
Take a guess!
~Elder Barker